Mostly Quiet On The Western Front

/ 18 December, 2013 /
Things have been quiet this holiday season, having devoted myself to interning at Milk Studios the past month in their Digital Rentals department.  Working there has provided some valuable insight into what goes into high-end shoots - if only for the gear that's packed.  There are things there that would make the average photog drool. I know I do.  What makes this nicer is having wanted to work at Milk for ages now, and there I am.  

Besides getting my marbles at Milk, I've been shooting away on my Polaroid project and testing out the latest Impossible Project color and black & White films recently out.  If you pop onto Instagram, I have a few shots up.  Should be testing out a color pack over the weekend!  For the most part though, I've been using up the PX-680 color film I've stocked up (whatever I didn't use for Blading Cup).  

The 3rd edition of ONE Magazine's online edition is coming out in the next couple weeks, with a photo or two making it's way into the issue.  Mums the word on who though!  But!  ONE was nice enough to use a photo of mine in their "Best Of The Year" Awards post earlier today.

Julio's usual portrait face. Photo by Brandon Smith
The photo is of legendary blader, influencer, owner of Them Goods and Valo - Jon Julio ( did an interview with him worth reading).  I shot it at Blading Cup on Impossible film.  I captured almost all of my photos from the competition in Polaroid, which can be found on Flickr.

A quick note about that photo of Julio - it's one of two photos.  The first was his standard demeanor - a
serious yet pleasant pillar that he appears to be in every photograph I've seen of him.  I prodded the friends around him to make him laugh, which lead to some pretty weird commentary that finally lead to Julio looking up with the biggest smile I've seen of him.  SNAP.  And there it was, the only ear to ear smile I have ever seen of him, captured in a fleeting moment.

And that about sums up what's going on right now.  There are a few other bits and pieces in the works, but I'll save that for another day!  


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